How to Make Women's Belt
In this article, we will share experience
how to make women's belt of the many units recruited in one lane. This belt is
easy to make your own hands and to cut, you can use even small areas of the
skin or suede, for example, multi-colored leather trim, accumulated over many
years or parts his boot. The shape and size of the units selected according to
your preference.
This belt is interesting because it can be
done from the skin of any hardness, and even from soft suede. Links can be made
not only of different shapes, but the color of a different kind and color
scraps. The main thing is to fit a belt to your wardrobe. If you will be
difficult to put the buckle, you can choose a color long ornamental cord with
tassels. The cord stretches to the extreme links and tied a bow.
How to make beautiful and original belt
most of the materials at hand, without having to spend to buy expensive genuine
leather? To do this you will need an old, out of fashion leather garments, such
as a jacket or coat. You can even use the tops of leather women's boots,
however, have to disassemble them, sometimes cleaned of adhesive fabric and
finishing threads, and some areas may even have to touch up.
For this belt is suitable not only leather,
but also artificial. It is relatively inexpensive and, most importantly, you
can buy it in any color and pattern design. In this scheme, we present a sample
of the pattern of one level of the belt.
You can come up with some form of care and,
most importantly that both sides are symmetrical. So before you cut the belt
parts on the skin by the strap
cutter leather, you should check the pattern of one unit on the paper.
Draw drawing unit and fold it along the center line dividing it into two equal
parts. Cut with scissors item is in the folded position. The second (lower)
half is the perfect mirror image of the top. For belt length and 3 cm width
110-120sm need about 30 of these parts. But in order to accurately calculate
the number needed to make a prototype of 5-7 pieces. For sample units can be
cut out of paper.
BTW, you can select the leather belt cutter
at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. grinding
mask) there with high quality and reasonable prices.