For Any Space, You Can Buy a String Fixture
Organize home lighting can be a variety of
ways. It does not have to be a central ceiling fixture. The latest materials
and systems, functionality and ease of design - this and more open the door to
bold decisions.
One of the new ways of lighting is the
string light. This design consists of several low-voltage strings - strands
between which are the fixtures. The whole structure is completely sealed, so no
real danger. Buy light string is the one who wants to keep the space of the
room, but still get the functionality. Each spotlight can be moved along the
length of the line.
Number of sources located on the tube
string lights, depending on the room size. Often, the best option - 2-5
pieces. It is important to take into account the capacity of the transformer,
because a large number of lamps, he cannot handle. String lights are used for
lighting commercial facilities, offices, art galleries and art museums. They
are much easier to install than recessed, track or overhead lighting. They can
be used various lamps, and so the quality of the light output will be much
For transmission of electric current used
for lighting, string cables are of different thickness. This depends on the
applied voltage. If it is low and not dangerous to humans, there is no
insulation on cables, and they look like strings. When the high voltage
isolation required, as a rule, you should tighten 2 strings parallel to each
other. The distance is between three to twenty centimeters. These strings are
zero and phase conductors. For stable operation of the lamp, string is necessary
transformer and dimmer. Cables stretched so as not to sag. Therefore you need
to mount the system on the bearing wall or ceiling. BTW, you can select the string
lights at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other lights (e.g. 12V
motion sensor lights) there with high quality and reasonable prices.